Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2011


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) is just like a bundle of all these things:

the water piping system; the electrical lining system; the bicycle; roads and highways; the library; the printing press; the telephone; the airplane; and many more. A career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things.
The Information technology deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information. It is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. It is defined as the industry or discipline that develops, installs and implements computer and network systems and applications. Well, for me, Information Technology is not just a course or a subject; it is a requirement for every people who want to have a better, easier and more comfortable life.
Information Technology is like the water piping system which maintains the water current to flow easily and freely; it is continuous and has a main destination. The entity here that is said to be continuous and terminal is the communication between the individuals who are interacting with each other and of course, in this case, there would always be the so called “barriers” which have made the communication hanging and loading. If there are barriers of this system, there are also plumbers who maintain the current to flow easily and back to its normal stream. Water systems may have a loop or branch network topology or a combination of both. If any one section of the piping networks needs repair, that section can be isolated without disrupting all users on the network. As with IT, there is no need to paralyze or stop the whole system just to repair a portion of it.

Information Technology is also like a bicycle which carries and transports persons or things from one place to another. These persons or things may refer to the information, data or messages that people send and share to the other people. A bicycle has wheels which turn upside down rotating continuously just like in IT which is a cycle that has a process to be followed. Well, a bicycle as a vehicle can’t do its job unless there will be a rider who drives the bicycle with its pair of pedals. The speed of the bicycle depends upon the ability of the driver as in IT the speed of the operation depends upon the developer on how he assembles certain codes or programs. Moreover, IT also needs maintenance to sustain a good quality operation.

Information Technology is like an electrical lining system which also makes the electric current to flow successfully and freely. IT has a terminal end and has a main point of destination; it transmits data following a certain line. With the electrical lining system, stability of the power supply must be observed and for IT, a stable network connections. In an electrical lining system, there will always be an electrician who solves the electrical problems and some deficiencies in the flow of the system.

Information Technology is also considered to be objective and has a main goal just like the roads and highways. IT has different courses that are needed to be followed to get into the finishing line of a journey or a project, successfully. Roads have also different routes and these routes may lead you into different destinations. Same on IT, it has different branches that lead will lead you to different goals and ends.
Along the application of IT, difficulties of transmitting information may be experienced hence; development or improvement of the system shall be implemented to maintain the smoothness of the operation. A road without a traveler is preferred to be meaningless; so for this to be useful, an explorer must walk through these roads to travel and make it until the desired destination.
Information Technology is also like a library that is full of information and data, categorized accordingly. Well, from the word itself, “Information” Technology, it is expected that it has to be informative to the readers. Books in the library maybe considered as the websites in the internet and these books must have a reader where the information are transmitted or transferred.

A printing press is a machine used for business of producing printed matters such as newspapers, magazines, books, etc. In a simple way of defining, printing press is a machine for printing. IT is also referred as a printing machine; IT produces printouts that contain details in some business matters and deals.
Mainly, IT enables information to be printed and made tangible for the people. A printer must be present in a printing press because without the printer, a printed layout or a printout cannot be done successfully. The printer’s presence is really needed for he is the one who is responsible for printing outputs.

Information Technology is like a telephone which is one of the instruments of communication that enables speech to be transmitted by the means of electric currents or radio waves. It preferably transfers message, vocal message specifically from a certain speaker or a caller going to another caller which is his recipient. So, in this situation,
both caller and receiver are the actors, without one of them, telephone is useless. Same with IT, developer and user are always present; there absence would forfeit its purpose.

Another is an airplane; IT is also compared to an airplane which is a power-driven aircraft that transports people from a place that is pretty much far from its original place and just like airplane, IT transports and transfers data and instructions from the system unit to the user. An airplane can’t fly without a pilot; a pilot is the one who drives and operates an aircraft and he is the guide of the airplane to journey successfully in the air and makes it to its final destination.

There are plenty of things that can be relate to Information Technology just like television or radio which gives news, information and entertainment, simply a ball pen which writes the feelings , shares the thoughts and ideas of a person and a voice of a dumb person who wants to shout his emotion to the whole world.

Remember that behind this, there is the user of this system unit who is responsible and the one who makes all of these possible. The user of the system unit can represent and play different roles in terms of IT. He can be a plumber of a water piping system, a rider of a bicycle, an electrician of the electrical ling system, an explorer of roads and highways, a reader of books in the library, a printer of a printing press, a caller from a telephone, a pilot of an airplane, a viewer of a television, a listener of a radio, a writer and so many more.

An Information Technology Personnel plays a great role in making the IT world possible. See? How essential is IT! Anyone can play roles as many as he can and work many jobs by this kind of profession. Let’s explore IT!! ^^

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